Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Eventful week

Yes you read the title right! This week is going to be super busy and quite eventful for us. Both at work and at home its going to be a super quick and at the same time will be full of activities.

Lets start with work. I have two crazy project deadlines, but I am not going to fuss about it. Coz I know they will get handled. Although the pressure of completing them on time is on, however if I am confident about the solution, handling the task is not going to be huge job. Apart from these two code based projects, I am also nearing the webinar day that is day after tomorrow – Friday at 1:00 ET. To be frank I am a bit nervous. Its been long since I have done any presentation and this is going to be my first time to the US audience. I am hoping that it goes smooth.

Before I forget, I completed my one year at work on May 15. I wouldn’t have remembered it. But my co-worker, Cassie, she keeps a track of all the activities in her super organized calendar. As soon as she saw the date yesterday, she reminded me of my first year anniversary at work. Wow, time flies!! If I look back today, I really don’t know how quickly the time went. It seems just like yesterday when I was preparing for interview. Hmmmmm… no no no.. I don’t want to start day dreaming and catch back with my Piscean instinct.

Onto home front. Well, we have couple of invitations – one is a graduation party that is tomorrow may 17. She is our neighbors’ daughter. This will be followed by another dinner invitation on Saturday at one of our friends house and on Sunday, my cousin, Girish is arriving from Newyork. And I am really excited and am looking forward to see him soon!!!

Now have to hurry to get to work….Ciao!

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