Monday, June 4, 2007

Rain rain go away…

Well, that’s how this weekend was. Gloomy, rainy and my working Saturday stretched it so much that I didn’t want to wake up early this morning. Oh, perhaps today morning was not overcastted but the story of early morning is consistent throughout I guess. I don’t understand why early morning’s are my favorite and at the same time worse. Favorite, coz I get the best sleep around dawn time, and bad, perhaps coz of that alarm clock. Why are mornings so tough on us? And the alarm’s….urgh! Why do they have to go up right on time? Can’t they give us 5 ….just 5 more minutes so that we can catch up on our beauty sleep. I wish those alarm clocks could understand our plea and help the time stop for sometime.

Ahh- another 5 days to go, and then those gorgeous weekends we would have… The sat/ Sunday seem so far as of today. Long wait… but I am sure they will arrive soon.

Have a good week everybody!

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